Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Weekly Roundup 39: A Month By Any Other Name

October was the eighth month in the ancient Roman calendar, which explains the "octo" in its name. After Julius Caesar added January and February, October was pushed down to the tenth spot, but it was not renamed. (The same kind of fate befell November and December.)

But October is definitely the best month name to portmanteau.

Here are some October riffs on my radar. (Please note, many of these already exist out there in the world, and I claim absolutely no affiliation with any of them. This is my personal list only.)

Walktober: weather permitting, I'll get out as much as possible

Croctober: we have no crocodiles here, and I don't own any of the shoes, so I'll stick to slow cooker recipes

Socktober: gotta keep my feet warm

Spocktober: I do like Star Trek

Mocktober: a non-alcoholic cocktail perhaps?

Bachtober: J.S. Bach's Toccata & Fugue in D Minor is a Halloween classic 

Rocktober: I saw Jeff Lynne's ELO in concert and spied more painted rocks

Hawktober, Flocktober, Squawktober: bring on the birds! (And maybe Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds.)

These are some things I will not try:

Shocktober: I don't like to be startled, horrified, or appalled

Frocktober: no frilly dresses for me

Mocktober (of a different kind): ridiculing someone is not a good look

Lochtober: no plans to be in Scotland

I hope you're having fun with whatever makes you smile this month. See you next week!

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