Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Weekly Roundup 52: Word of the Year

No, it's not brainrot, though I probably have more of that than I would like. My word of the year for 2025 is Flow. 

I struggled with a lot of things in 2024, as many of us did. I often felt like I was swimming upstream, which is exhausting. Not even salmon, who are born to do it, recommend it, mostly because they die at the end.

In 2025, I would very much like to go with the flow. I recognize that this will require letting go of the illusion of control. And worrying less. Both of which I'm not very good at.

But I have a whole 12 months to practice, and because I am full of the shining optimism of January right now, I think I can make some progress. Wish me luck!

And I wish you luck with whatever aspirations/goals/resolutions have inspired you at the turning of this new year.

I'm going to take a little blogging break now and see if I can figure out my next steps. Until we meet again, take good care!



Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Weekly Roundup 51: Happy New Year!


Well, 2024 has reached the end of the trail. What a year of contrasts, contradictions, and challenges. 

It wasn't all bad. I did fun things with fun people. I heard a lot of excellent live music. My friends and family made it to the finish line in one piece, and that's really all anyone can ask for.

But I also struggled with personal, national, and global events. And my creative energy was as low as it has been since I can't remember when.

I know I'm not the only one who feels exhausted by 2024. And thankfully I'm also not the only one who feels hopeful for 2025. 

My wish is that this new year surpasses expectations (in a good way!) for us all.

Stay happy and healthy. Be patient and kind. I'll see you next week for my 52 week wrap up.