Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Weekly Roundup 36: Turning the Corner

Well, hello there, middle of September. Where did you come from so quickly?

I recently saw September described as a month to turn the corner, and that feels so fitting. Summer might still linger, but we're preparing to leave it behind and face the arrival of autumn and winter.

The idiom "turn the corner" refers to a situation that improves after a difficult period, but that doesn't quite describe this September feeling. This is more like the combination of a fond goodbye and a welcoming hello--appreciating the last gifts of summer while we anticipate the rest of the gifts the year has to offer.

Honestly, I am ready to turn the corner on a few things: gardening, the heat, mosquitoes and grasshoppers, and the pressure of my summer to-do list. The weeks between now and Halloween offer some really nice moments for pausing and breathing and slowing down. I'm planning on enjoying soup, candles, sweaters, and hopefully more sleep very soon. 

Leading up to the fall equinox on Saturday the 22nd, September's full harvest-super-blood-moon last night coincided with a partial lunar eclipse. Under a magical celestial glow, this week feels like the perfect time to approach the turning of the corner with gratitude for what was and enthusiasm for what will be. 

See you in autumn, pumpkin spice fans!

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