Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Weekly Roundup 24: Summer Good Things

We're zooming up on July, which means bona fide summer. Here are a few seasonal things I'm into right now:

Outdoor Concerts: It was a big thrill to see the Rolling Stones live. Yes, the surviving original members are in their early 80s and the tour was sponsored by AARP (which sounds like a joke), but they still rock! That was a bucket list experience, but I'm also enjoying smaller, and often free, shows around town.

Spice-d Tea: Harney & Sons Hot Cinnamon Sunset teabags make the best iced tea! I found them at Target. For cinnamon lovers only.

Weed Killer: My husband is a fearless puller and poisoner of weeds. I'm trying to convert him to a home-made weed killer that is effective and non-toxic. Mix 2 cups white vinegar, 2 tablespoons salt, and 1/2 teaspoon of liquid dish soap in a spray bottle. As with all weed killers, it works best when used on a hot, dry day.

Chiller Fiction: Summer is the only time I read horror, and it's usually Stephen King. Perhaps I will choose If It Bleeds, a collection of four novellas that came out in 2020. The title story features the character Holly Gibney, who appears in other King books, including the eponymous Holly, which I read last summer.

June Pride: The end of June marks the end of Pride Month, but there's still time to show off my rainbow-themed tiny garden:

Enjoy the last days of June! See you in July!

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