Wednesday, April 22, 2020

A to Z Joy: Siblings

Amy on the left, me on the right
S is a pretty easy letter for the A to Z Challenge, and I had many options, from Slinkys to sushi, from samba music to Star Wars. But some of my greatest joys in life come from being a sister and having sons. I was going to call this post "Sisters and Sons," and then I realized that "Siblings" would suffice.

Growing up, my sister and I weren't always best of friends. I remember being pummeled by her on occasion, and I once broke a plastic ukulele over her head. But we were all we had, sibling-wise, so we always found a way to make the peace.

Our good times definitely outweighed our bad times. She is two years older, and even though I might not have admitted it at the time, it was reassuring to know that she was there ahead of me, helping to clear a path.

These days, we are very close except in proximity, as she lives in Washington and I in Colorado. And I'm still grateful to have her walking ahead of me on this path through life. She's one of the wisest, smartest, most empathetic women I know, and having her for a sister has made me a better person.

And I don't know how fate gifted me with the most amazing sons ever, but I am beyond humbled every day! They are so smart and handsome and funny, and I couldn't be prouder. I don't know where the time goes, as they are both nearly grown now, a junior and a freshman in college, and they still make each other laugh every time they're together. They are such great friends...and I better stop now before I get weepy.


  1. Very sweet, as someone with three siblings I kind of love this. - TSV

    1. I'm just sitting here pondering the pros and cons of having two extra siblings... :-)

  2. I hope my 2 Barbarians are close. I think it is easier to be close when you are the same gender. I have 2 brothers (no sisters), and while we get along, we aren't close.

    1. I agree. But being the same gender has its difficulties, as well :-)
