Monday, April 6, 2020

A to Z Joy: Everything is Alive

Image result for everything is alive 
This one is a relative newcomer to my list. I was going to do a geeky writer thing with Edit for today (I really do love to edit). Then my friend April, who is also doing the A to Z Challenge, posted on social media about this podcast, and I am now hooked.

From the website:
Everything is Alive is an unscripted interview show in which all the subjects are inanimate objects. In each episode, a different thing tells us its life story--and everything it says is true.
Inanimate objects, you say? As in a lamppost, or a pillow? Yes, and yes.

If you enjoy dry, wry, understated humor with a touch of absurdity, this is the podcast for you. But it's also often profound, and I usually learn something random and fascinating, too. The episodes are short, which is good for my attention span, which seems to be dwindling by the day.

Happy 2nd week of A to Z!


  1. Yea! I'm so glad you're enjoying the podcast. It's the perfect comic relief we need right now.

    1. It really is the perfect kind of humor for me. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I appreciate dry humor. I'll have to check this out. Thanks for passing the info on to us.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Stacy! I hope you enjoy it.

  3. Lalalala *fingers in ears* (or should that be over eyes?). I don't have time to add more podcasts to my list (a friend gave me another 2 days ago as well), but it does sound entertaining.

    1. I know! Too many excellent podcasts! How are we ever supposed to draw the line?

  4. April got me listening to it too! I will now think twice about opening my Russian nesting dolls after listening to an episode where some were interviewed. ;-)
