Monday, March 16, 2020

A-to-Z 2020 Theme Reveal: Joy

Theme Reveal #AtoZChallenge 2020 badge

Hello! As I write this, I'm realizing that I set myself up for two reveals in a row: first the yellow wall, now my A-to-Z Theme. Perhaps next week, you will learn that I am the Masked Singer? Stay tuned!

My A-to-Z theme this year is Joy. Here's a quick recap of how that came about: each member of my critique group chooses a word for the new year to hopefully inspire and guide us in our writing. 2019 felt like the equivalent of a wet blanket for me, so I wanted to choose a word to bring good energy into my life in 2020. After some deliberation, I settled on Joy.

To help me along on my journey, my sister gave me the book Joyful: The Surprising Power of Ordinary Things to Create Extraordinary Happiness, by Ingrid Fetell Lee. I am working through one chapter a month and trying to implement a change or two for the better. (If you're curious, this is the reason for the yellow wall.) I call it Joy Project 2020.

Please come back and visit often during April as I work my way through an alphabet's worth of joyful things, people, and places. If you leave a comment, I will do my best to return the favor.

Happy Blogging!!

Image result for joy meme


  1. What a beautiful theme...We need so much of this and I will be looking forward to reading your take. Good luck!

  2. Looking forward to your posts and to see if we pick any of the same topics since bliss and joy are so close! Weekends In Maine

    1. Yes, I'm curious whether we will come up with any of the same subjects!

  3. That is such a great theme. We sure need some more joy in our life, especially in t his moment.

    The Old Shelter - Theme Reveal - Living the Twenties

    1. That's so true. Little did I know in January when I chose my word of the year!

  4. Wow!!I really love the idea of your projects to focus on a certain aspect each time.. And yes,your rearrangement of the study area shows you are all set for the challenge.. Best of luck.See you around..

    1. Comment came as unknown..This is Pashmeena Chowdhary.. Thabks..

    2. Thanks, Pashmeena! Good luck to you, too!

  5. Lovely theme. And I'm not just saying that because it's my name!

    1. Haha! I was excited to find your blog for that very reason!

  6. this one is really a positive and refreshing theme. the book also looking promising to me, which you had mentioned in the post.
    all the best for challenege

  7. Great theme! You might like The Book of Delights by Ross Gay. I just finished it and loved it. I'm looking forward to following along!

    1. How funny, I'm currently reading The Book of Delights. And enjoying it! Going to pop over now and visit your blog :-)

  8. Impressive theme Jenny. Looking forward to your content :)
    Do check out if my theme interests you:

  9. Joy is one of my words for this year. I look forward to reading about your joy.

    1. It's nice to make a joy connection :-) Thanks for visiting, Morgan!

  10. Looking forward to reading more of your posts.
