Tuesday, April 3, 2018

C: Cat Maiden

In this Aesop's fable, a cat fell in love with a young man, who in turn thought of her as, well, a cat. So she asked Venus for help. Being a good sport, and also the goddess of love and beauty, Venus turned the cat into a fair maiden. The young man was immediately smitten and wanted to marry her before she could even set up a Match profile. Upon further reflection, Venus began to wonder if the cat's nature had changed, or just its appearance. To find out--and because gods and goddesses were always messing with the poor, dumb humans--Venus let a mouse loose at the couple's wedding. (I'm pretty sure etiquette experts frown on this sort of thing.) The cat-maiden pounced on it, which grossed her new husband out to no end. Having found her answer, Venus turned the young woman back into a cat. The moral of this story being, true nature always wins out.


  1. Good one, Jenny. So, from the man's points of view, can we conclude that 'appearances are deceptive'?

  2. Thanks for stopping by GirlZombieAuthors for AtoZ! Fun idea you're doing!

  3. Replies
    1. Excuse me while I look up the meaning of "blodgy!" :-)

  4. But she was a cat when she fell in love, so she was still in love and turning her back into a cat was bad form! Unless the whole grossed out husband was such an arse that love was no longer on the table - then it's a useful get out. ;)
    Tasha's Thinkings - Movie Monsters

    1. I know, right? Oh, the drama. *rolls eyes*

  5. That is brilliant! I laughed at the part about grossing our her husband.

  6. Not at all what he expected from the wedding buffet, I'm sure!

  7. Hi Jenny,
    So I tried, I really tried, to focus on the antics of the cat, but I was having too much fun laughing about your little asides like the Match profile and the breach of etiquette. Good story :)

  8. I'd be grossed out seeing my new bride eat a mouse too. I'd be wondering what our kids would be like. Nicely done.

  9. That's a clear case of doing something in haste and regretting at leisure - I suppose it was a good job Venus checked, she she might have done it less publicly! :)
    Ghostly Inspirations - Sophies A to Z
